Dinosaurs on The Ark

Dedicated to derailing the Christian Taliban before they finish rewriting all of history and turn the entire US into the set of Footloose.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Little off Topic

Snaps to friend and fellow blogger CTKROD for pointing out this disturbing story. It seems as if a tiny fundamentalist church travels from military funeral to military funeral to reflect their belief that U.S. combat deaths are a sign God is punishing the United States for harboring homosexuals. Some protesters’ signs said, “Thank God for IEDs,” the improvised explosive devices, or homemade bombs, that kill many U.S. soldiers. What's stopping them from making more noise? More noise. Motorcycle club members calling themselves Patriot Guard Riders are trying to shield mourners from cruel jeers with respectful cheers and revving engines to drown out the insults of protesters.

I am very much against this war, but this is not the way to treat our troops. Good people that truly have been made pawns in a game that shouldn't even be being played.


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