Dinosaurs on The Ark

Dedicated to derailing the Christian Taliban before they finish rewriting all of history and turn the entire US into the set of Footloose.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Snaps to The State of Ohio

The saucy Deborah Owens Fink debates the merit of Intelligent Design in a recent meeting.

The Ohio Board of Education earned their opposable thumbs by voting 11-4 Tuesday to delete a science standard and correlating lesson plan that encourages students to seek evidence for and against evolution. Critics had called the material an opening to teach intelligent design, which holds that life is so complex it must have been created by a higher authority.

Meanwhile, at a recent public meeting the Kansas Board of Education was mesmerized by a machine touting "movable type." The machine was immediately banned from the state in favor of cursive. Board member Eunice Smith was quoted as saying "if God wanted us to type, we would have all been born with movable type machines for hands." Smith then excused herself saying she was late for "slopp'n down the hogs, and get my man's meal on the table."


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