Dinosaurs on The Ark

Dedicated to derailing the Christian Taliban before they finish rewriting all of history and turn the entire US into the set of Footloose.

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Daily Show Takes on Intelligent Design!

According to the Kansas City Star, beginning tonight, the Daily Show will air "Evolution Schmevolution," a nightly segment examining the scientific theory of life's origins and its faith-based challengers.

Some of the features will include:

"The Daily Show" sent its "correspondents" - improvisational comics who imitate with uncanny accuracy the style of TV news reporters - to two hotbeds of the evolution controversy: Dayton, Tenn., where the 1925 Scopes trial was staged; and the Galapagos Islands, where Charles Darwin conducted his research that formed the basis of his 1859 work, The Origin of Species.

"Daily Show" correspondent Ed Helms also will challenge a "helper monkey" in a battle of minds.

Sounds like good viewing to me!


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