Dinosaurs on The Ark

Dedicated to derailing the Christian Taliban before they finish rewriting all of history and turn the entire US into the set of Footloose.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Contestant #3 for D.O.A.P.O.W. Week

Five Minutes with Carl Everett...is more than you'll really ever need. What follows is a brif excerpt from an article on CNNSI.com.

Carl Everett is a man of conviction. As an Apostolic Christian, he believes that the Bible, interpreted literally, is the infallible authority on all matters. As the cocksure centerfielder for the Boston Red Sox he believes in taking on pitchers and questions alike with the same absolute assuredness. The man plays and talks with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Just ask.

Interleague play? "Don't like it," Everett responds. "They only have it because of two teams [the New York Mets and the New York Yankees]. It's all about the money." Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter? "Not a star." The Mets, one of his former teams? "All those [management] people are hypocrites and idiots." The Atlanta Braves' starting pitchers? "You can run on them all day." Big cities? "Hate 'em. I need space." American League baseball? "Boring." Dinosaurs? "Didn't exist."

Uh, come again?

"God created the sun, the stars, the heavens and the earth, and then made Adam and Eve," Everett said last Friday, before the Red Sox lost two of three in Atlanta. "The Bible never says anything about dinosaurs. You can't say there were dinosaurs when you never saw them. Someone actually saw Adam and Eve. No one ever saw a Tyrannosaurus rex."

What about dinosaur bones?

"Made by man," he says.

BTW, Carl also believes that Wrigley Field needs to be "imploded."

I have nothing to add, except a link to fivesevenfive.com, where they have listed some very nice haikus about Carl.


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