Dinosaurs on The Ark

Dedicated to derailing the Christian Taliban before they finish rewriting all of history and turn the entire US into the set of Footloose.

Friday, August 19, 2005

D.O.A.P.O.W. Week Winner #2 - Cobb County Board of Education

Congratulations, Cobb County, GA! This sticker you voted to be put on all textbooks was a stroke of genius. It was so well written that a Federal Court judge got carpal tunnel in writing the reasons it needs to be removed.

On the 16th of August Beebe High School science teacher Jeff Wisdom, 25, got to earn his paycheck by tearing pages out of chemistry textbooks in preparation for the first day of class. The best part of this story is that the CHEMISTRY textbook didn't even discuss intelligent design or evolution.

According to the article linked above, "although the stickers begin, "This textbook discusses evolution, a controversial theory...," Wisdom said that was simply not the case. Wisdom said that neither evolution or the concept of an intelligent designer, both of which are discussed in the sticker, appear in his chemistry textbooks.

"The only thing that's ever going to bring up evolution in my classroom is the sticker," Wisdom said. "It's the only place [in the textbook] where evolution is mentioned."

I want to create a square black sticker featuring a large white "A" on it. Underneath the "A" would be the phrase "Asswipe Bible Thumper." I could then visit the Cobb County BOE parking lot and plaster them on the member's cars. Unfortunately, they would probably cover my sticker with the Evolution stickers they are busy removing from their English books.


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